When I left for my Girls Trip to Cabo, I’d received many warnings: Be careful of the strong ocean current. Don’t drink the tap water. Beware of the drug peddlers. Don’t venture off resort alone. Yada yada yada… But, nobody ever warned me of the danger I would actually face.
Our travels started fine and we arrived to Mexico in good spirits, blissfully unaware of the perils that awaited me. Like all good resort goers, we relaxed with pina coladas by the pool, cruised in a boat to admire the humpback whales up close, enjoyed group dinners at the restaurants, watched the after-dinner shows at night, swung our hips at the disctoteca until the wee hours, then started over again the next day. It all seemed glorious, typical, harmless . . .
Then HE flew into my life. While chilling out on a lounge chair by the infinity pool and discussing romance novels with Megan, HE attacked my calf without warning. The Yellow Mexican Horse-fly. Aka: my nemesis.
Had I provoked him? No. Had I been in his way? No. But he launched his assault mercilessly anyway. Searing pain ensued from the tiny hole he left in my Australian Gold SPF #30 coated skin. Redness enveloped and the girls raced to the nearby tiki bar for ice. Many pool-side tourists offered me comforting words as I held the freezing (and rather large) ice-pack to my leg. The foul names passing vacationers called the evil mexican bug didn’t lessen the burning sensation, but soothed me nonetheless. They sympathized with the damage his heartless raid had caused on this unsuspecting writer.
Now, I’m back home. My doctor prescribed me meds to get rid of this darn infection. While fighting not to itch my calf, I perused the internet and found this photo to share with you all. If you’re going to Cabo, don’t think you’re safe staying on the resort and hanging by the pool. Add this bee-looking creep to your watch-out list and maybe even wear some inspect spray. On a side note, while researching, I also learned that it’s the bloodsucking FEMALE that bites. What the . . . ? No, I’m gonna remain in denial on that one. I’d hate to think another girl would do this to me.
Our Cabo vacay zipped by way too quickly and I’m always going to remember whale watching in that gorgeous ocean, tasting the fruity rainbow drinks, and spending quality time with the girls. Even though the mexican bug drama lingers on (doctor estimates it’ll be gone within the week), you should know that HE will not have the last laugh. Oh, no. He may have wounded me in real life, then snickered as he flew to the planter-box with the pretty purple flowers, but when I write my book that takes place in Cabo . . . the yellow horse-fly will NOT get off so easy. That’s right. Payback in fiction. It’s a weapon we writers own and are willing to use.
How about you? Any crazy vacay stories you want to share? Or if you want to bag on the Yellow Mexican Horse-fly then that’s a rant that is welcome here, too. 🙂
~ Susan
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Back from Mexico with an itch? Hmmm, good thing it is on your leg and curable. Now go destroy that bugs reputation with some entertaining fiction.
Apparently what happens in Mexico does NOT stay in Mexico!!! The bug is definitely a “HE”. A girl but would not do that to an American girl on her “GIRLS” trip! Hope you rest and recover in bed and get lots of writing done. Shoo shoo Mexican Horse fly!!!
Oh, Susan, you had me rolling with the SPF30! I’m so sorry to year that bug stifled your vacation, but I can’t wait until he becomes the villain of your Cabo story! You know what they say about payback… Loved the pictures, too! Cyndi
Wowsers! That thing looks NASTY! Glad to hear you are OK, or will be soon. I work in Pediatric Infectious Diseases at UCLA, and we see some crazy stuff here every now and then, especially when kids come back from a foreign locale… Won’t go into details, but lemme tell ya: it could’ve been worse!
Sorry to hear about it, girlie!! I haven’t been to Cabo in ages….any Giggling Marlin action?
I saw the yellow horse bug high five his buddy after he bit you! Defintely a boy bug!
Oh, Susan, I’m sorry you were so violated by that evil insect. In a few days, it will be like a bad dream.
Glad you had a nice time kickin’ it with the gals, other than the biting incident. Hope you got some writing done!
(PS, Laura, what are you doing here cheating on me with Susan? WTF?)
Um, I missed the whole attack! If I were there I would’ve chased it away and made it wish it never came near you. Can’t wait to see where/when the yellow horsefly will turn up it one of your stories.
As for Vacay stories… you all know the good and the bad of my experiences in Mexico.
Yikes! Definitely not the kind of encounter one wants while on vacation. And that thing looks nasty! But I’m glad to see the pictures of you looking happy and having fun with your friends 🙂
I saw the rash this thing left you suffering with… :(. But so glad u enjoyed your trip. All the pics are great. Thanks for sharing!! Xo. V
Hola Susan….Am really sorry about the bug thing. I noticed that you kept refering it to “he”….And even after your research found that the female bites, everyone else refered to it as “he”. lol,lol…That is too funny. Your story is very good & very dramtic sounding!! I know its all true so of course its a compliment. 🙂 And I loved all the other comments as well. Now that you are on the road to recovery I’m sure you will come up with a romatic, drama story in Cabo or somewhere in Mexico, w/a bug bite in the middle of it !! Excellant writing! And a memorable trip. hugs